
Your Guide to Beverage Refrigerator Maintenance

September 30, 2021
How long should a wine cooler last

A beverage refrigerator is an excellent investment that can bring you a wide range of perks. Naturally, you want your unit to last you for years to come. Top-quality models, like Perlick and other wine fridges that you can find in San Diego, do offer great features and longevity. However, there are a few things you could do to keep your refrigerator operating properly for longer.

Read on to find out how to maintain and clean your unit so it continues working smoothly. You could also check out expert answers to some commonly asked questions about beverage coolers to learn more.

How do I maintain my beverage refrigeratorHow long should a wine cooler last?

Typically, the lifespan of a beverage refrigerator is 10 to 15 years. You can extend its useful life by taking good care of it and servicing it regularly. Be on the lookout for the telltale signs of a malfunctioning beverage cooler:

  • It has trouble cooling your drinks the way it used to
  • You need to schedule repairs more frequently than before
  • It’s gotten louder than it normally is
  • The motor at the back is hot to the touch, etc.

If you notice any of these things and the unit is nearing the 15-year mark, it may be time for a replacement.

How do I maintain my beverage refrigerator?

All parts of the home benefit from meticulous upkeep, and your beverage refrigerator is no exception. Here are a few steps to follow for adequate maintenance:

  • Before installing your unit, carefully read the manual and follow the guidelines laid out by the manufacturer.
  • Hire professionals to install the unit properly if it’s too complicated to do on your own.
  • Position it in a place where it has enough ventilation. Also, keep it away from heat sources and make sure it’s intended for outdoor use if you want to put it outside.
  • Use it gently. For example, shut the door slowly so as not to damage it.
  • Clean it regularly, both on the inside and the outside. Use a cloth and a mix of a mild dish detergent and water.
  • Wipe spills immediately to prevent staining.
  • Frequently check it for any signs of malfunctions and don’t put off repairs if you notice something suspicious.
  • Don’t pull out all the shelves at the same time because this may cause the unit to tip over.

How do you get mold out of a wine cooler?

If a wine refrigerator is operating properly, it’s uncommon for mold to accumulate in it. Persistent presence of mold may signal a problem and it should prompt you to call the professionals. You can also try turning the temperature down and checking the seals and the filter. You can clean the mold using a damp sponge or cloth. Remove the bottles from the refrigerator before you do this. You should let the unit dry out before you put the bottles back inside.

How do you get mold out of a wine coolerWhere can I purchase long-lasting Perlick wine fridges in San Diego?

You can find Perlick and other excellent beverage coolers at Lars Home & Kitchen Appliances Showroom. We also have a wide selection of other exclusive brands, like Smeg, Zephyr, Fisher & Paykel, and Marvel. You’ll find models with outstanding temperature control and plenty of coveted, cutting-edge features that boost their functionality.

Once you design your gorgeous wine cellar with the help of Lars, why stop there? You can update the rest of your home in San Carlos or the vicinity, too. In addition to top-quality refrigeration, we can supply you with other appliances and fixtures, including dishwashers, cooktops, ranges, range hoods, microwave ovens, and more. We’re ready to show you around our showroom and guide you through the different options available. Contact us today!