
Gas Versus Induction Cooktops

September 5, 2022
Which is better a gas or induction cooktop

When it comes to updating your cooking area with new kitchen appliances, it may be difficult to figure out the right cooktop for your modern San Diego home. Induction cooktops offer greater speed, higher efficiency, and increased safety. On the other hand, gas cooktops provide reliable performance, high flame intensity, and require no electricity. The choice you’ll make will depend on what makes you feel at ease and what suits your cooking style. Keep on reading if you’d like to gain a better understanding of the differences between induction and gas cooktops.

Which is better: a gas or induction cooktop?

Can’t decide between gas and induction cooktops? The following comparison will give you an idea of their main differences, including heating time, safety, maintenance, and other factors that you should consider before purchasing.

kitchen appliances san diego

1. Heat up time

An induction cooktop heats a pot very quickly since no energy is lost to the air surrounding it – which is not the case with radiant heat created by a gas or electric stove. On the contrary, they are masters of quick heat, delicate enough for butter and chocolate, yet powerful enough to bring a gallon of water to a boil in just a few minutes.

2. Usability

It’s no surprise that gas cooktops are more user-friendly. It just takes a turn of the dial to ignite the flame properly, and from there you can easily control the temperature. Then again, an induction cooktop gives you precise temperature control, as long as you know how to adjust the heat level. You may need some practice to become familiar with a particular model’s settings.

3. Durability 

Due to their glass surfaces, induction cooktops require more care. For example, dropping a heavy pot on the glass can scratch or shatter it. Make sure not to drag your cookware across the surface if you want to avoid damaging it. Also, make sure to carefully pick up your cookware and put it back where it belongs.

Gas cooktops proved to be more resistant than induction cooktops. Some prefer gas since cast iron grates are capable of handling heavy usage.

4. Safety

Gas cooktops are not as safe as induction cooktops. Often, induction cooktops include a lock to prevent accidents and keep children safe from harm. As an additional benefit, induction technology generates heat only when cooking pans are placed on it. It is also important to note that induction cooktops cool down quickly after being used.

In contrast, gas cooktops can increase the temperature in your kitchen. They can also pose a safety risk. During cooking, the cooktop becomes extremely hot, making it easy to burn yourself. It takes a considerable amount of time for the grates and metal burner cover to cool down completely.

5. Cleaning & maintenance

While induction cooktops are known for their ease of cleaning, gas cooktops are known for their high maintenance requirements. Due to their smooth surface, induction cooktops are very easy to clean. However, gas cooktops are more challenging to manage because they have tiny nooks and crannies that are hard to reach. It is also necessary to remove the burner grates before cleaning them with specially formulated products. 

Where can I purchase stylish kitchen appliances in San Diego

Where can I purchase stylish kitchen appliances in San Diego?

Here at Lars Home & Kitchen Appliances Showroom, we offer San Diego County‘s finest selection of appliances. Visit us today and explore the latest models designed by JennAir, Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Smeg, Wolf, Angus, and other luxury brands. You can rely on our experienced staff to equip your home with some outstanding upgrades, such as the type of cooktop that suits your needs. By using these appliances, you will be able to cook food at a safe, constant temperature, which will make meal preparation more enjoyable. Partner with the leading supplier of high-end appliances and make an investment in a better kitchen and a better home.