
The Benefits of Steam Cooking

September 21, 2022
What are the advantages of steam cooking

No matter if you prefer veggies, grains, fish, or rich desserts, steam cooking has plenty to offer. Steaming goes way beyond flavor – from great nutrition to multi-cooking options, cooking with steam will reward you with every bite. It will amaze you how efficiently the food is processed (you won’t have to clean up the kitchen afterward, for instance) and how delicious it tastes. Plus, you’d have no lingering smoke and odors from your ambitious culinary endeavors

If you want to explore the latest technologies like Wolf steam oven, that adjusts the cooking process automatically based on the volume and consistency of your food, be sure to visit your local kitchen showroom in San Diego.

What are the advantages of steam cooking?

Through the combination of hot air and water, rather than just pure heat, steam ovens keep food nutrient-rich and flavorful. Contrary to other methods such as boiling or frying, this method preserves the flavor and texture of the original ingredients, reducing the need for additional seasoning.

Besides the above mentioned, there are other unbeatable perks you should know about before buying a steam oven:Wolf steam oven San Diego

1. Full & genuine taste

Humidity softens the fibers and keeps food from drying out, restoring its true essence. With plenty of quality steam ovens now available, it’s possible to preserve vegetable texture, original color, taste, juices, and freshness as closely as possible to their natural raw state.

Using a “gentle” way of cooking means you don’t have to worry about damaging vitamins or minerals in your food. In fact, the presence of fats, acids, toxins, and pesticide residue can be drastically reduced by using this method. 

2. Quicker cooking process

When steam is added to a cooking process, it speeds up the cooking time significantly. This is a great help for weeknight dinners. Depending on the recipe, it can reduce cooking times by 20% – perfect for modern households with busy schedules.

Also, it allows you to be more efficient by providing reheat functions for specific foods in order to regain their original flavor and appearance. 

3. Low-maintenance 

Keeping a steam oven clean isn’t difficult. On the contrary, moisture will make wiping up way easier once cooking is done. However, unless you choose a smart steam oven equipped with pyrolytic self-cleaning technology, you’ll need to wipe your cooker thoroughly after use. This means that all the dirt, grease, and food residue in the smart oven turns into ash and you simply wipe it up with a damp cloth once the pyrolytic cycle is complete.

4. Light dishesWhere can I purchase steam ovens in San Diego

Using the steaming method eliminates the need for as much oil, preventing the production of unwanted fats. As a result, meals are lighter and more nutritious. Also, steam dissolves fat when cooking fish and chicken, for instance, making the food healthier and easier to digest.

Where can I purchase steam ovens in San Diego?

Want to achieve the perfect look for your kitchen? Lars Home & Kitchen Appliance Showroom, has some of the best appliances in San Diego County. With us, you can customize your home up to your standards, including quality steam ovens from various manufactures like Wolf, Miele and JennAir. These appliances will ensure safe, precise cooking, enhancing your cooking experience. Visit our showroom for a first-hand look at the latest models from JennAir, Miele, and Wolf.